Computer War Read online

Page 13

  Ross thought about it briefly.

  “Well,” he said. “You’ve got your work cut out. Let’s say that we could write up a speech for Number One to give. It would call upon everyone to put down their arms and support the movement for a democratic conference to plan a world government. He would resign his office, as a gesture of sincerity, call upon Alphaland forces to return to their homeland immediately. I could give another, brief talk to back him. So could Academician McGivern. But there’s one bug in the ointment.”

  Tilly and Pater Riggin looked at him.

  “And what is that?”

  “They have the communications system in their control, not us.”

  Tilly yawned mightily and came to her feet. “That’s where we come in. Combs! Altshuler! Bernal! Come on, fellas, all of you. On your feet. Gonzales, put out a general alarm to all our groups. Project Propaganda goes into effect.”

  The men in the bunks groaned.

  One yelled over, “Why didn’t you characters keep on talking? It was like being rocked to sleep.”

  Gonzales headed for the electronics equipment in the corner, and Ross, looking after him, wondered what complicated Rube Goldberg devices they could have dreamed up to avoid detection by Mark Fielder’s Surety.

  He turned to Tilly and said, “How many men can you gather?”

  Tilly thought about it, twisting her mouth. “ ’Bout five hundred to a thousand, as of this morning. Maybe some of them have been killed or taken since then.”

  Pater Riggin said, “We’ve got to get working on that speech. Wait for me here. I’ll have to check with Jim. He’ll be boiling, I’ve been gone so long from where I’ve got him stashed out.”

  “Who’s Jim?” Combs growled.

  Pater Riggin looked at him. “Number One.”

  Combs grunted. “It never occurred to me the cloddy had a first name.”

  Pater Riggin murmured, “Everybody has a first name—to the right person.” He added softly. “It’s been a task remaining that right person for so many years, waiting for this moment.” He was gone.

  The room was a bedlam as men sought their weapons and other equipment.

  Ross and Tilly Trice stood alone, momentarily, looking into each other’s faces.

  “And when it’s all over?” he said.

  “Like I said,” she told him.

  It all hit him at once. He said in pure astonishment, “But you people have won. And you haven’t had the use of a single computer to figure it out”

  She grinned at him mockingly.

  “Oh, I’ve had a computer. So’ve we all.”

  He scowled at her, uncomprehending.

  She tapped her head.

  Table of Contents

  PART ONE Chapter I

  Chapter II

  Chapter III

  Chapter IV

  Chapter V

  Chapter VI

  PART TWO Chapter VII

  Chapter VIII

  Chapter IX

  Chapter X

  Chapter XI